Hello all!! Thought I would take a little moment to vent....about something other than the wedding. As I might have mentioned before, I started a new little venture called nursing school in May. I am currently in my second semester of four, working towards a second bachelors. Life has been completely crazy lately, but I thought I might take some time to show you some things I'm in love with:
1. This little man has stolen my heart...even though I've never met him! My best friend growing up and his wife had their first baby. Meet Mason Benjamin born on my sweet Mommy's birthday, 9.29.
2. Fall!! It has finally started to cool down here in Florida, and by cool down, I mean it is in the 80's during the day and 60's at night. It is so nice and is very welcomed because I'm about fed up with the humidity! I've already gotten my Fall/Halloween decorations and managed to find my special candles for this special time of year! My favorite Fall things:
3. HIPSTAMATIC!!! I love taking pictures and this app for my new iPhone is amazing. You take the pictures and the app edits them right before your eyes! It is so neat to see the different techniques used that make for amazing pictures.
Driving home from school into some pretty terrible weather. |
My first 5k...it's all about the babies, baby! |
My chalkboard from the wedding...now a wall hanging in my kitchen for lots of silly fun! |
On my way to work...can my glasses get any bigger?? |
So that's all for now! Have to get back to studying, but I'll be back soon. In the mean time, what are a few of your Favorite Fall Things??
How exciting about nursing school! Nurses are such amazing people..so happy for you. Your friends little baby is just precious...and big glasses rock. Have a great week :)